Friday, June 17, 2011

Tool #7

I have worked with teachers to accomplish getting out of our school This next school year I think this will explode as we work with the Oliver Foundation, Fuel to Play 60 and other national level programs. As a librarian, I work with the teachers to support their needs. I help them to find the sources and people to work with rather than scripting my own lesson. I joined e-pals as a way to meet students at other campuses that are similar to ours. So far we have not matched up...but hopefully next year will be better.
Skype gives us a chance to get outside of our campus. One of the things I will share more with teachers next year are sites that offer free skype visits - including "skype an author". There are tons of resources out just need to step out and contact them!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll be interested to see how ePals works for you. I have never been successful at making a connection there. However, the directory at Skype at Schools has been good and I hope the new Skype in the Classroom will offer even more!