Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Tool #2 -

I have written on every blog for Rummel Creek at this time...except for the few I can not get into. Over the past few years, I have about 20 blogs that I follow fact sometimes I feel that I spend way too much time reading others work...I'm still working on being brave enough to post on some of the sites, I feel like I am such a "nobody" that my comments would not be important; however...I love to read what others have posted.
My blogs to parents are improving as I try to use a blog to instruct and share information with parents and community members. I am still a very private person and putting my thoughts on the web is difficult. My personality doesn't come across and my poor grammar is definitely exposed. I'm still working on it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay...I am trying to find other peoples blogs...learning how to do some searches etc. is great!