Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thing #6 ITouch Apps

This is a really cool resource...I'm glad there is a whole page to refer back to as I get into this more and more. I was very fortunate to take part in a class on how to use the Itouch....very cool. At first I have been very reluctant and hesitant to use the itouch. My nephews - yes plurals - have been trying to teach me for several month....after my class I showed them a few things. Anyway...the amount of free apps is unbelievable...math, science, note taking and more...not only can these be used for research but for reteaching and "drill and kill". In the summer school program - the day we used the itouches with the students they were so excited...we had a couple of brain game apps loaded and they could have played all day trying to improve their levels (just think how much math practice they got that morning!) The students loved playing the games and didn't mind the "drill" they were getting. They also loved using google. One of my students had created an animoto...but we learned that an app had to be downloaded to be able to view...but we were successful in watching some videos...How neat to have an individual learning environment for a student...if you set it up well...you could have a student go through a learning experience just on the Itouch....set up a wiki and let him link to videos, links and more for almost a "private" individual lesson. Once I let go of my limitations...I see this as a real positive piece of equipment...not to mention the "cool" part of using one. I can't wait to get my itouches up and moving at RCE....I know that searching out good apps will be important...we'll have to share what we learn and find. This is going to be FUN!

1 comment:

LKP said...

I agree the workshop "won" me over as well! There is definitly more to these iTouchs than we thought before our recent experience. We need to do more to make them part of our libraries and the total learning experience!