Friday, March 14, 2008

Thing #21: Podcasts and Audio Books

I am really excited about podcasting and videopodcasting. I have been working with my students to produce a podcast going along with our battle of the books. The students have enjoyed using Audacity to produce their podcasts. One of the highlights was being selected to make the podcast. I am now ready to try video. A project that I can't wait to try....I just need a little uninterupted time and more information.
Check out our podcast - War of the Words (Otherwise known as Battle of the Books.) The students even created the beginning in audacity.


LKP said...

I heard thru a "little bird" that your students are using the Flip video camera?!? I would love for you to share with the rest of us how that is going??? Please, please, please?!?

Book Nook Girl said...

Can't wait to read through and listen to War of Words! Looks great! I want to pick your brain about the whole experience!

Terry said...

Congrats on the podcasting, the Battle of the Books and almost finshing the 23 Things! I liked the kids' intro a lot!