Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thing #16: Learn about wikis

I have been wanting to investigate WIKI's...but never took the time. After watching the video and reading through the various WIKIs on the page, I decided to make a few. It was easy to make, now I just have to get others to help out in writing. I think that several of my student writing blogs will actually merge into WIKIs over the coming months....then I can step back and let the students have access to do the work. I'll have to play with responsibility and more. I can see the PTA having a WIKI to do committee work and my Tech team at school will soon have a WIKI...I may go crazy with WIKI's...but it should cut down on the physical meetings and e-mails! Thanks for making me step up to the plate to learn! As soon as I get actual information in my WIKI's....I'll let you know the links.

1 comment:

Terry said...

My issue with Wikis has been getting others to join also. Only 6 more to go for you! (#23 is just your thoughts)