Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Thing #16: Learn about wikis

I have been wanting to investigate WIKI's...but never took the time. After watching the video and reading through the various WIKIs on the page, I decided to make a few. It was easy to make, now I just have to get others to help out in writing. I think that several of my student writing blogs will actually merge into WIKIs over the coming months....then I can step back and let the students have access to do the work. I'll have to play with responsibility and more. I can see the PTA having a WIKI to do committee work and my Tech team at school will soon have a WIKI...I may go crazy with WIKI's...but it should cut down on the physical meetings and e-mails! Thanks for making me step up to the plate to learn! As soon as I get actual information in my WIKI's....I'll let you know the links.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Thing #15: Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and the Future of Libraries

Even before I had signed up to take this Web 2.0 class, I had realized much of what was mentioned in these articles. I knew my role as a librarian and the tools I used had changed drastically, and would continue to change if I choose to stay in this job! I loved the video! The notes that each of the students held up was sooo true. I spend much of my "spare" time working with middle and high school students....even those students spend much more time on my space/facebook than their textbooks. I've learned to "call for cell phones" before we try to have class or Bible study. I have to admit, that since I have been reading up and exploring for this "class" I have "risen" in their eyes. We can have discussions and share things that I don't think they ever thought the "gray-haired" lady would ever know. I've watched their eyes pop when I mention something that I've learned from web 2.0. Tonight on the national news they had a short clip that I thought relates very much to the video on this "thing", it was talking about how smart this year's class of students are, yet they can't recall a date from history, or name a specific author of a work of writing. But as the article went on to explain, should these students be required to memorize and recall mundane information when in moments through "Google" or other sources on the internet they can pull up the information needed. Although it will be difficult, I realize that we (educators, librarians, parents) need to allow these students to use the tools that are available to them to acquire the knowledge they need. The exposure that I have had through this class has opened my eyes and let me see a lot of things that I would otherwise have never explored. Even my own children are amazed at some of the things I now know....I guess I'm glad I'm a life long learner...but I think it goes with the job!

Thing #14 Explore Technorati and learn how tags work

I've been negligent in writing on the tonight I'll try to catch up. I spent some time last week exploring Technorati - never took the time to write it now...yes, I realize I should tag more. It's a box I just miss. My biggest problem through this whole process is getting distracted and clicking on a link...more tags...more links...I think some nights I just get lost in my "exploring" ...thank goodness there's a home button and I can start over. I have learned a lot about tagging and will try earnestly to tag my sites. I will probably refer to other sites for a while for terms. I've had some difficulty in claiming my blog...all of the log ins and passwords are coming to get me....thank goodness for my RED folder! Now that I've claimed my site, let's see if it is worth reading!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Thing #13 Delicious (misspelled!)

I'm a little frustrated right now. I tried to install the buttons to explore and import my bookmarks. So far, totally unsuccessful. I tried a few times, but my computer and I are NOT getting along tonight!
So anyway, I decided to just explore the site. I have a bad habit of not tagging anything. I now realize how important this could be. By exploring Delicious - I found examples of tags. I think I'll spend a little more time exploring at the lists of upon lists of tags. I will dutifully try to add tags on my blogs. On most of my blog enries, I have not put any tags at all. ...I'll have to do better.
It would be nice to get all of my bookmarks from my home computer imported...I do most of my searching at home!
I'll try to install the buttons again tomorrow. I am frustrated!