Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Surving the first week of school

Well, it's Tuesday of the second week of school and I'm still breathing.  Things have been moving fast and furious for these past few days.  If technology would cooperate...things would be great...thank goodness for students that can problem solve and see the forest for the trees.  My lunch bunch is already back and creating movies....so even lunch is loud...which is great!  Except for the fact that I am reading the calendar, it doesn't feel like we ever left...the students and teachers have just picked up where we left off from May.  The schedule is running just like always and I can't seem to get away from school before five....perhaps next week!  But it's great getting back into a routine.  Check out the Rummel Creek Learning Commons page for activities to support the students learning!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

My sister, Cindy Schulze, is the librarian at SBMS. I think you are all feeling the same way. There is alot to keep up with. I miss all my friends at RCE. It is nice to catch up on blog. I hope you all have a wonderful year! Thanks for all you do!!!